Multi-Sensory Garden Pop-Ups

September 22, 2017

This Pop-Up Garden in London is a Sophisticated Play Structure

The 'Milkshake Tree' is an inventive pop-up garden that's been set up in London's Greenwich Peninsula for this year's Festival of Architecture. The installation by pH+ architects was inspired by a collaboration with the London Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy (LCCCP) and encourages play through sensorial exploration. While The Milkshake Tree offers a more sophisticated look than most other structures that are built for children, the pop-up garden features copper xylophones that can be played, a central mirrored cube and a prism that creates a kaleidoscope effect.
Following the London Festival of Architecture 2016, The Milkshake will be relocated to its new home at the LCCCP in North London.
The Milkshake Tree gets its unusual name from a child who suggested that they wanted a "milkshake tree" at the new LCCCP playground.

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