
Keep Seasonal Obstacles Guide

September 04, 2017

Keep Seasonal Obstacles Guide

From time to time, Clash of Clans has events that have seasonal obstacles, special obstacles that grow in your base only for a limited time  – the Christmas Event in December and the Halloween Event in October for example, but also the 5th Anniversary of Clash of Clans in August 2017 has a special seasonal obstacle.
These events have a unique obstacle that will reward some extra loot when you remove them. The Christmas Event has a Christmas Tree that costs 25K Gold to remove, but rewards 75K Gold in return and the Halloween Event has a special spooky obstacle that will reward 50K Elixir upon removal.

How to keep the Halloween or Christmas Obstacles forever

Many players, however, want to keep them in the Village, because they won’t disappear when the event ends.
These are unique obstacles you can have in your Village because you can only receive them by being active during that period in that year. There is no chance that somebody today could get the Christmas Tree from the Christmas Event 2014 or 2015.

So keeping them, that’s nice. The hard thing is, to have them in a place where it won’t interrupt future base designs.
A lot of players start to build a ring of obstacles around their base (including myself), so having the special Halloween or Christmas obstacles there would be perfect. The hard part is that they will only spawn for a few days and you need to be lucky enough to have it appear in that very spot, because you can’t move them around.

The outside ring is perfect for these seasonal obstacles because you are not able to build anything in this 3 tile-wide area – a perfect spot to be sure the seasonal obstacle can stay there forever.

How Obstacle Spawning Works

An obstacle can spawn in a place where no building is placed and always leaves one tile space between any building or piece of wall.
This only applies to regular obstacles, the seasonal obstacles can spawn right next to any other item, like a Wall or a building!

To fit your seasonal obstacles on the outside ring, you have to invest somethingand I personally don’t rely on luck exclusively.
I have a special Village arrangement that will get me my seasonal obstacle often times within 48 hours in the outside ring.

I know this setup is not good for protection, but sometimes I don’t get a single attack until I have my seasonal obstacle on the outside ring and I can then switch back to my regular Village design.
Well, I always lose some more loot and trophies during that time, but the obstacle will stay in my base forever and that’s totally worth it 🙂 As you can see I have all of the past ones (only missing the 2013 X-Mas Tree) on the outside with this setup:

But don’t forget, there is 3 tile space on the outside, so it could also happen that the obstacle spawns 1 tile too close:

Just make sure there are only spaces smaller than 2×2 tiles.

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