
You can now view Instagram Stories on the web

September 06, 2017

You can now view Instagram Stories on the web
Instagram is adding the ability for you to view Stories on desktop and mobile web so you can see the ephemeral posts on larger screens. Instead of the usual tap left or right to move between posts and stories, Instagram is adding arrows to help you navigate.
Soon, Instagram will also allow users to upload stories via the mobile web, which might be helpful for those who go the extra length of editing their images and videos before sharing them as stories. This practice is common with brands and media companies like The Verge, but also with professional videographers and photographers. (When alerted to the news, The Verge social media team erupted in glee, describing it as “heaven sent” and “game changer.”)

The update is beginning to roll out today to users globally, and the upload feature is expected to come the next few months. Instagram says it has no plans to let users upload photos or Stories from the desktop, so don’t hold your breath. Even though desktop uploads would be the true game changer, being able to use most of Instagram from the web means we’re pretty close to not requiring the Instagram app on our phone at all, especially if you’re mainly using it to view and share stories.

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