In fact, there are a lot of colors which you may see. They are blue, purple, black, pink, red, and yellow. It is available in all the markets and you may easily find out this beneficial food in summer. In order to help you understand more about the advantages of corn,
I. Nutritional Value Of Corn
I. Nutritional Value Of Corn
Generally, 100 grams of yellow and boiled corn will provide you with 96 calories. In addition, it also gives you 73% of water, 21 grams of carbs, 2.4 grams of fiber, 3.4 grams of protein and 4.5 grams of sugar which include 2.7 grams of sucrose, 0.8 grams of glucose, 0.8 grams of fructose and 0.2 grams of lactose. Furthermore, it just gives you only 1.5 grams of fat which consists of 0.2 grams of saturated fat
1. Benefits Of Corn – Rich In Carbohydrates
1. Benefits Of Corn – Rich In Carbohydrates
One of the common benefits of corn for health is rich in carbohydrates. As mentioned early, corn is said to have a high amount of carbohydrates because it gives people approximately 82 percent of calories. Therefore, when you consume a half cup of corn, you may get 80 calories.
2. Phytochemicals
2. Phytochemicals
Just like what has mentioned above, corn contains a high content of antioxidant phytochemicals that vary based on the separate corn varieties. In addition, purple corn includes a special aid which is called protocatechuic acid which can act as a strong antioxidant whereas blue corn is said to contain a lot of anthocyanin properties. Besides that, yellow corn has a high content of carotenoids which have high concentrations of zea xanthin as well as lutein.
4. Benefits Of Corn – Protect Your Heart
4. Benefits Of Corn – Protect Your Heart
If someone asks you about the beefits of corn, protecting your heart is one of the answers that you can tell them. Why is it said like that? According to some studies they have shown that corn oil contains the anti-atherogenic influence on the cholesterol levels. Therefore, it can help you to decrease the risk of suffering from several cardiovascular diseases. Especially, corn oil is considered as one of the best ways in order to promote the heart health.
5. Benefits Of Corn- Lower LDL Cholesterol
5. Benefits Of Corn- Lower LDL Cholesterol
Another one of the amazing benefits of corn which you ought to know is lowering LDL cholesterol. According to a research in an article, they have said that when someone consumes the corn husk oil, it may help in lowering the plasma LDL cholesterol. How can it lower the plasma LDL cholesterol? It can do by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in our body. Moreover, decreasing the LDL cholesterol doesn’t mean decreasing the HDL cholesterol which is known the “good” cholesterol. Do you know that? When the LDL cholesterol in the body is decreased, the heart disease will be reduced, atherosclerosis will be prevented as well.