Architect-Honoring Kirigami

August 14, 2017

Marc Hagan-Guirey's Art Highlights Frank Lloyd Wright's Work

Marc Hagan-Guirey, an artist who specializes in the Japanese tradition of kirigami, a practice that involves cutting and folding paper to create intricate designs, recently released a project that's centered around the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, a well-renowned American architect.
Throughout the project, Hagan-Guirey recreates miniature versions of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, the Unity Temple in Illinois, the Storer House in Hollywood, the Taliesin West in Arizona, and the Fallingwater in Pennsylvania. In addition to these buildings, Hagan-Guirey includes some of the architect's unrealized work as well, such as the National Life Insurance Building.
A total of 14 kirigami pieces make up the project that honor the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, all of which are included in Marc Hagan-Guirey's book, 'Paper Models.'

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