Audio Tone Tickets

August 11, 2017

Ticketmaster and Lisnr's Breaking the 

Ticket Replaces Tickets with Audio Data

Although there are many technologies that have the potential to streamline event entry, a large number of consumers are still required to print out paper tickets to be admitted to an event—but 'Breaking the Ticket' has the potential to change this drastically. 

Ticketmaster has been working with Lisnr on a project to replace physical tickets with "sound tones" that will allow admission to an event. This ultrasonic sound technology is set to be used for attendee verification and it is already being tested at some venues. 

As passwords and paper tickets have the potential to be lost or stolen, leaving consumers vulnerable, sound verification systems are being implemented as a solution. Others are also experimenting with the use of unique sound tones for added convenience and security. For instance, Sonikpass sets itself apart as a password-free cyber security system that uses audio signatures, while Google's Google On boasts a simple setup of the OnHub Router with an audio pairing feature.

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