Concrete Cliffside Homes

August 17, 2017

g3arquitectos' 'Casa G' is a Cubist Structure Overlooking a Mexican Town

g3arquitectos newly built home, Casa G, literally stands apart from its neighbors. The home in the small town of Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, is on the far side of a ravine that runs along the perimeter of the town's boundary. This not only gives the property ample space around which the residents' children can play, but it also provides a spectacular view of the rest of the town.
Casa G is built primarily out of concrete, which is a concession to the climate in Santiago de Queretaro. The region gets very hot at the peak of the day but cools down substantially during the evening. Concrete acts as a strong natural insulator, sucking up heat during the day, and that heat slowly seeps out over the course of the night, thus keeping the home at an ideal temperature while reducing air conditioning costs.

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