
Salmon-Viewing Centers

August 14, 2017

The Kvasfossen Visitor Center Offers Views of a Salmon Ladder

Life is an eternal Sisyphean struggle, the Kvasfossen Visitor Center in Kvas, Norway, lets occupants see that existential tumult play out first-hand. The cliffside public building offers spectacular views of the Kvasfossen, a remote waterfall, and it also gives people the opportunity to see a salmon ladder up close.
In 2014, the Kvas municipal government opened an underground salmon ladder to help the intrepid fish with their seasonal upstream battles. Since that ladder was near a highway exit, it began attracting visitors who were interested in nature and pondering the rationale of fighting an uphill battle when death is everything's ultimate fate, and so Rever & Drage built the scenic Kvasfossen Visitor Center to accommodate this influx of people.
The building includes several viewing stations to the outdoor environment, and visitors can also follow stair down to the cavernous salmon ladder.

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