What are the benefits of lady finger?

August 11, 2017

High fiber content:
he dietary fiber content of an lady finger is known to be high and hence many health specialists recommend it for digestive benefits. The fibers aid the process of digestion in the body by facilitating proper bowel movement.

Lady finger is known to aid in prevention of diabetes. It is rich in Fibre which helps in the prevention of this disease.
Good folates content:
Folates present in lady finger reduce the neural tube defects in a new born baby. So it is highly recommended for women during pre conception period of pregnancy.
Vitamin K benefits:
Vitamin K is a co-factor in blood-clotting process and also plays a major role in strengthening the bones in our body.
Asthma can also be treated by including lady fingers in your meals. People diagnosed with asthma are strongly suggested to consume lady finger.
Sun stroke:
Lady finger helps prevent sun strokes.

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