The Glampsin Takes Advantage of the
Current Popularity of Fidget Spinners
As fidget spinners continue to dominate memes, brands like Glamspin are becoming increasingly creative in coming up with new interpretations of the fidget-focused gadgets.
The Glampsin comes in the form of a functional fidget spinner, with the same spinning capabilities as other similar products on the market and an added feature that is likely to appeal to children. The vibrantly colored gadget features three different lip balms on each of its three ends, offering a Peach Whirl flavor in a pale orange color, a Strawberry Cyclone in a pale pink color, and a Grape Twist that is purple.
Each lip balm in the vividly hued gadget comes on sheer, making the product perfectly suited as both a toy and a lip moisturizer for children.
The Glampsin comes in the form of a functional fidget spinner, with the same spinning capabilities as other similar products on the market and an added feature that is likely to appeal to children. The vibrantly colored gadget features three different lip balms on each of its three ends, offering a Peach Whirl flavor in a pale orange color, a Strawberry Cyclone in a pale pink color, and a Grape Twist that is purple.
Each lip balm in the vividly hued gadget comes on sheer, making the product perfectly suited as both a toy and a lip moisturizer for children.