Pendant GPS Trackers

August 10, 2017

The O is an Accessorized GPS That 

Clips onto Valuables

Leaving the house without all of your required valuables is a common occurrence, but most clip-on GPS trackers are bulky and inconvenient -- The O was designed as a solution to both of these issues, offering users a fashionable pendant GPS tracker that can be clipped onto valuable items. 

Place The O on the objects you can't leave the house without -- your phone, wallet, handbag or keys. If you exit your front door without one of these items, the accompanied app will send an alert while the GPS will help to efficiently locate missing items. Part of this device's innovation lies within its design: sleek, water-resistant and smooth to easily slip into pockets, this design combines functionality with form, producing a product that looks like a decorative pendant, with tech-infused functionalities.

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